Thursday 6 June 2024

First Great Hall Wall Painted

Sometimes it is good to just post a photograph from today, rather than get one's knickers in a twist about how to best write and present a blog entry.

Anyhow, here is a photograph taken this evening after Gavin and Joe had finished working on the Great Hall for the day.

You can see the painting of the far wall has just been finished - thanks Gavin! Ironically, Gavin hates painting and I love painting, so perhaps I should be up on the scaffolding instead. :-)

You can also see that Joe has progressed with the repair of the ceiling plasterwork - thanks Joe! Apparently everything is out of alignment up on high, so Joe is concerned that the upcoming mitering might go askance. However, everything looks fine to me so far from ground level - fingers crossed.

Thanks to the wide angle lens on my new phone, the whole Great Hall can more or less fit into a single short for the first time. I hadn't realised how much easier my life would become. :-)

the Great Hall: photo taken this evening (6th June 2024)

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