Wednesday 25 September 2024

The Bridge Arrives

Whether a bridge can arrive is indeed a philosophical question. Perhaps until the structure is installed in situ with a "over-pass" and "under-pass" that can be transited, there is no bridge?

Anyhow, the main component of the new bridge being built by the castle's gate lodges arrived on Tuesday 17th September and not a day too soon. This is a massive 1.5m diameter plastic pipe through which the water will flow. Perhaps, it is this "hole" that defines a bridge, but can a hole arrive? :-)

The pipe was off-loaded onto castle land, see below. As I write this I realise that permission was not asked, but this would have been willingly given. The insane year-long bureaucracy to get the old bridge repaired has been the problem, in total contrast to the lovely contractors who have gone above and beyond and kindly assisted with the restoration of the gate lodges, doing some lifts for us with their massive crane.

The contractors have also donated the stone which made up the old bridge to the rebuilding of the ruined rear section of the gate lodges. In fact, judging from the sizes and type of stone involved, my guess is that the rear of the gate lodge was demolished to build the bridge. So we will be rebuilding with the original stones!

The new bridge will be as ugly as sin, with stone caissons being placed over the pipe, and a tarmac layer on top of the caissons. The parapets will just be a wooden fence - as specified by Angus Council. I won't pass a comment on the obvious short-termism, but just say "Chappaquiddick". :-)

The final image (above) from today shows the pipe in place. The small pipe on the left is the current temporary diversion for the stream until the large pipe is commissioned. The opening of the new bridge, possibly late October, will be a day for celebration.

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