Thursday 25 April 2024

Great Hall's North Wall Plaster-Boarded

Today Gavin and Gregor completed the plaster-boarding of the north wall of the Great Hall. You can see the before photo from Monday 22nd April at the bottom, and the after photo which was taken at the end of today (Thursday 25th April) at the top. The two G's have recently started taking Fridays off, and work longer hours Monday through Thursday, so I am particularly delighted they managed to get finished today on a week boundary.

north wall plaster-boarding: after

north wall plaster boarding: before

The wall has started to take on the appearance that the architect originally intended: transitioning from dark bare stone to a light facetted plaster surface. The wall is much the better for this.

Gregor said this week has been hard work with much climbing of the scaffolding and much reaching above head-height. As Gregor was most often spotted at the upper level of scaffolding over the last few days, I called him a "top shelf gentleman". :-)

Gregor says he could plasterboard a whole new-build house with his colleague Scott in 4 days, but that the north wall alone has taken even longer. Despite the scale of the wall, only two sheets of plasterboard were used whole, all the rest had to be laboriously cut-up. Modern houses are designed around the size of plasterboard sheets to minimise labour costs. Balintore Castle was simply proportioned to look good!


  1. It is such a meticulous and delicate job, it is good that the boys achieved it in a few days and with their Friday off, for some well-deserved beers.

  2. Gadzooks! Daylight in the Great Hall! I'm sooooooo excited for you!
