Thursday, 8 September 2016

New Finial for Balintore Castle: The Video

Many thanks to friends of Balintore, Andrew and his father George, for ingeniously constructing a new replacement finial for the square turret at Balintore Castle. The story I heard was that the original final was pulled off to salvage the lead around 50 years ago. This makes sense as it is the lowest turret, so the lead was definitely the low hanging fruit. I did not even ask Andrew to do this! My own best approach would have been a balloon and papier-mâché! The video tells the whole story:



  1. How thrilling!

    Recently, I had the turret finial to my 1894 house restored. Then, I used an old photograph to recreate the lost finial on the octagon tower! Now, I have having made a version of the lost finial to the carriage house!

    Finials are so great! Congrats!!!!!!

    1. Well done on re-creating two finials - you are putting us to shame. :-) Do you have any photographs?

  2. This is wonderful and well worth the time and effort. Bravo to the craftsman who recreated this important piece of architecture!

    1. Thanks Elena. In fact the craftsman George was at the castle again yesterday, and spotted the antique Victorian desk I've bought for the library is missing 5 knobs. He wiggled one of the existing knobs off as a template for making replacements. What a star. :-)

  3. Dear David,
    Would it be possible for you to do a talk/presentation on Balintore for the Friends of Brechin Town House Museum next year? We have a free date on the 7th of March 2017 at 2pm. Regards David Adam, Secretary FOBTHM.

  4. Dear David,
    I would be pleased to give a talk to the FOBHTM, but I am unsure if I will be in the area on that date. Contact me as "MrBalintore" on Facebook, and we can discuss the details. Regards, David

  5. Bloody amazing !! pardon my French !
