Sunday 24 November 2013

Sections and Elevations

The original plans for Balintore Castle do exist, but I have only ever seen a small and indistinct photocopy. Many thanks to friend of Balintore  Duncan Tattersall for these high resolution scans. I particularly love the sections which show how the internal features of the building relate to the outside, which is at core the "smarts" of architecture.

Plan 6 - West Elevation
Plan 7 South and North Elevations

Plan 8 East Elevation
Plan 9 Sections
Plan 10 Sections


  1. Thanks for posting the drawings. I'm a draftsman m'self and can often learn more about a building from drawings than from 1,000,000 pix. Hope you don't mind if I download them just to enlarge & examine details. I've been following your progress w great interest as I wish I had started something like this before got my arse crippled up.

  2. Hi Randy, download away! They are fairly high resolution once you click on them. The original scans are slightly higher resolution yet. I had a year crippled by a bad back and could not have attempted a castle then. Fortunately, an operation sorted me out, and I appreciate the castle all the more because of this, naturally I lift heavy things with great care nowadays. Thanks for your interest.

  3. Amazing! Interesting how the original missing window was a bay with full support underneath, and without the sloping roof.
